代表キーワード :: 史学


  • アーカイブスについて
  • アーカイブズを取り上げた理由 資料や史料を集めるということは、私が研究者にならなくても、必要になってくることである。先日まで、教育実習に行き、歴史の授業をしていたのだが、授業を作る上で、資料は命である。また、このようにレポートを書く上でも、資料がなくては、内容...
  • 550 販売中 2006/01/22
  • 閲覧(1,909) コメント(1)
  • The Native Americans and the Europeans
  • The film “The Last of the Mohicans” is a story set before the United States was established when French and British were fighting against each other in the huge wilderness of the Americas. The movie describes the situation in America well that at time battle...
  • 550 販売中 2006/04/02
  • 閲覧(1,387) コメント(14)
  • Living in the Colony
  • Thirteen colonies in the North America roughly can be divided into three regions: the New England, Middle, and South region. Each had different characteristics, and people had different styles of living. If I were one of colonials in northern America, I would ...
  • 550 販売中 2006/06/06
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  • ナーセル・ホスローについて
  • ナーセル・ホスローNāir Khusraw 本名:Abū Mun Nāir b. Khusraw b. ārith al-ubādhiyān ・ペルシア語詩人、散文作家であり、旅行記作家、イスマーイール派のダーイー(教宣員)。彼の著作『詩集(Dwn)』は同派を研究する上で重要。 ?...
  • 550 販売中 2006/08/03
  • 閲覧(2,548)
  • イブン・ハウカルと『大地の姿』について
  • イブン・ハウカル(と『大地の姿』について 前書き イブン・ハウカルはイスタフリーを、イスタフリーはバルヒー(を踏襲しているとされるのでまずはバルヒー、イスタフリーを概観しておく。 バルヒー(について ホラーサーンのバルフ近郊に生...
  • 550 販売中 2007/02/15
  • 閲覧(2,908)
  • Comparing with the Western Fron
  • In the First World War, there were many fronts. The Western Front was only a part of the war that caused problems. Each front had different geography and environment so there were many differences and similarities if we compared with the Western Front. The Ga...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/19
  • 閲覧(1,123)
  • How did the Bolsheviks made their rule more secure?
  • How did the Bolsheviks made their rule more secure? The Bolsheviks made their rule secure in many ways. However, I think mainly there were 3 main factors, which made the Bolsheviks’ rule more secure. Those factors are “dealing with opposition”, “supp...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/19
  • 閲覧(1,306)
  • 出版事業としての百科全書
  • 「百科全書」はジョン・ロック流の経験論とニュートンの打ち立てた新科学、およびこれから派生してきた感覚論・唯物論を核とし、これらの思想にもとづいて当時の技術的・科学的な知識の最先端を集めたもので、スコラ哲学、デカルト主義などの古典的世界観をうち破り、自由な考え方...
  • 550 販売中 2006/01/31
  • 閲覧(1,224)
  • 武川鎮軍閥
  • 「六鎮」とは、北魏前期、首都である平城を北方の異民族から防衛することを重要視した政府によって、万里の長城に沿って置かれた六つの駐屯地(鎮)、懐朔鎮・武川鎮・撫冥鎮・柔玄鎮・沃野鎮・懐荒鎮の総称である。「鎮」自体は他の地域に対してもそれぞれの国境に多く置かれたが...
  • 550 販売中 2006/06/11
  • 閲覧(2,810)
  • Save citizens rather than save Okinawa’s Economy
  • When I started researching about the U.S. military bases on Okinawa, I found lots of articles that are against them Many reasons were about the sexual violence from U.S. military personnel; environmental problems and the fear of military accidents. After I rea...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/19
  • 閲覧(1,301)
  • “Letter from a Freedman to His Old Master”
  • This article was the most interesting one for me throughout the textbook. It must sound strange because slavery issues were so tensed, but I enjoyed reading what was said in the article. The letter Jourdan Anderson wrote implies how his life was going well com...
  • 550 販売中 2006/11/05
  • 閲覧(1,422)
  • Western and Eastern Front
  • In the First World War, there were many fronts. However, we can say that the Western Front and the Eastern front were 2 of the main fronts in this war. First, the Western front was a battle zone between Germany and its enemies, France and Britain. In this fr...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/19
  • 閲覧(984)