1) A Japanese company in the U.S failed in its efforts to make its American workers report along with its Japanese workers every morning before work for calisthenics, as is frequently done, I understand, in Japan. 日本国内ではよく行われていることなのだ が...
eaching Plan Instructors: 1.Date: June 27,2005 2.Class: 26 Students 3.Textbook: New Crown 1 Lesspn4 “I Am a Champion” 4.Key sentences: Do you ~? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. What do you ~? I ~. I don’t ~. 5.Aims: ○1To have the students ...
Recent Young People’s Diet Introduction Today, young people’s thinking or values reflect their habits which we call “Youth Culture”. The culture influences Japanese society. It’s therefore interesting to understand what Japanese young people like t...