フランス語では、数字の70をsoixante et dix ,80をquatre-vingts,90をquatre-vingt-dixという、日本語や英語などから見たら変わった数え方をしている。これは、20進法に基づいた数え方であるようだが、70未満の数では日本同様の10進法が用いられている。 このことから、...
英語で固有名詞の扱い方に学生達はよくとまどいを覚える。もともと固有名詞の意味さえしっかり理解していない学生も多いようである。固有名詞に関してよく学生が間違えてしまう文法がある。例えば、次のような例文だ。 (例) This is Doraemon who has ‘Yojigen-Pocket’. この文...
Daughter These four characters, written downwards, are shown on the right side in the 'stiff' form, which approximates the printed form, and which is the one learnt at school .The middle column shows the same characters in cursive 'running' style, which is sli...
eachもeveryも単数形の名詞を修飾できる。eachは2つ(人)以上から使えるが、everyは3つ(人)以上からでないと使えない。また、eachは個々のものを1つ1つ取り上げて言う場合に使うが、everyは個々のものを考えた上で全体について述べる。また、allは全体をまとめて示す。 e.g. ・...
This article discusses general aspects of the usage of computer game software in schools, especially game play software, to help learners achieve their goal. It pays particular reference to their motivation. Games are played not just to win or to achieve a go...
《リサとガスパールのクリスマス》 This month was Christmas, and I read the book related to Christmas. Risa who worries whether to make present aiming at Christmas what. After all, it decides it to giving the raincoat. However, an unthinkable happening!! I tho...
Alcohol gives pleasure to both individuals and society, but drinking alcohol and the risk of alcohol are opposite sides of the same coin. The problems of alcohol include Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (F.A.S), driving under the influence of alcohol and dependence. How...
April 25, a train of HUKUCHIYAMA line derailed. This accident happened in the morning and people who were going to school or company were killed or injured. The number of dead people reached 107 and more people were injured. It became a large disaster in the h...