School Age and Grade Year of Education in Japan In Japan, there are, in general, few students who are forced or admitted to skip or repeat the grade in compulsory education. Even in high school and university, where students are allowed to skip or repeat the g...
Global Warming: Is It Really Happening? Global warming is one of the biggest problems around the world. As a result of it, some people will lose their land because of a rise in the sea level, abnormal weather such as torrential rain and drought will ...
言語の特徴とそれぞれが英語教育に持つ意味について 言語の特徴をBrown,H.D.は8点にまとめている。 Language is systematic and generative. 人の言語は組織的であり次のようなレベルに分けられる。 ①音声と音素・・・音声は無限に変化し、たえず変化するが、意味の識別に用い...
What effects does crime have on victims? The main factor of youth crime is one of the big topics for criminologists and there are several different arguments about that. Some researchers, like a French Environmental Sect, say it is their circumstance, others, ...
「(1)テキストの第一章“The Americans”から第六章“The Chinese”までを読んで、それぞれの内容に関する自分の意見を日本語で述べなさい。 (2)次の設問にテキストの内容にそって英語で答えなさい。 1.Why are American sure that everybody likes them? 2.What is the...
「問題」 (1)テキストの第一章“The Americans”から第六章“The Chinese”までを読んで、それぞれの内容に関する自分の意見を日本語で述べなさい。 (2)次の設問にテキストの内容にそって英語で答えなさい。 1. Why are Americans sure that everybody likes them? 2. What is the...