「次の英文の下線部を他の英語でパラフレイズしなさい。更にイタリックの語の反意語を書き、下線の語を使った英文のエッセイ(随筆)を書きなさい(長さは自由)。」 The most difficult[=extremely hard to deal with / toughest to do ] kind of liberty to preserve[=take poss...
Daughter These four characters, written downwards, are shown on the right side in the 'stiff' form, which approximates the printed form, and which is the one learnt at school .The middle column shows the same characters in cursive 'running' style, which is sli...
Comparison between English marriage and Japanese marriage There are a lot of similarities between Japan and England. Japan and England are both island country, and climate resembles, too. (The climate is a genial and a damp.) Besides, there are the Imperial Ho...