Classification of Culture "Shame Culture" is the famous word as which Mrs. Ruth Benedict, an American author, described Japanese culture in her book "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword-Patterns of Japanese Culture," contrasting Western "Sin Culture." From my poin...
Foreign language should be instructed beginning kindergartners. Nowadays, people learning foreign language has increased and some use their foreign language skill to use by studying abroad. On the other hand, some parents do not want kids to study other langu...
"The Importance of the Mother Tongue Maintenance for Immigrant Children" Anthony Chan is a seven-year-old Chinese boy. He was born in China but raised in Canada. As he grew older, his parents noticed that he spoke 'Chinglish,' which is a mixture of English and...
(1)『テキストの第一章“The Americans”から第六章”The Chinese”までを読んで、それぞれの内容に関する自分の意見を日本語で述べなさい。』 私は、この“People Are Funny”Looking at National Characteristicsを読んで、いろいろな国がそれぞれの特色を持っており、とても面...