第1設題 Ⅰ.次の文中の直接話法を間接話法に書きかえなさい。伝達動詞には下線をひきなさい。 A Japanese woman explained:“In Japan, firms usually make women promise to leave their jobs when they get married. Sometimes the firms demand this in writing.” One day,...
一回で合格しました。 講評欄には A very interesting and well written essay. Your main points are well developed and your perspective is interesting. Your essay is well organized with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Well done!!! と高い評価をいただき...
?.次の文中の直接話法を間接話法に書きかえなさい。伝達動詞には下線を引きなさい。(直接話法による原文は割愛致しました。) 解答 A Japanese woman explained that in Japan firms usually make woman promise to leave their jobs when they get married, and that sometimes ...
英作文Ⅱ 私は新潟県の新潟市という町に住んでいます。 I live in the town named Niigata City in Niigata Prefecture. 近年、新潟市は過疎化が進み、特に若者の人口が減少しています。 This City advances by depopulation, and is decreasing the population of...