In the short story “A Rose for Emily” written by William Faulkner, the title mentions a rose; although it does not seem that the rose plays an important role in this story superficially. The word “rose” appears twice at the end of the story: when the town’...
Folk Songと聞くと、私はなんだかソフトで緩やかなものを想像してしまう。しかし実際に曲を聴いてみたところ、サウンドとしてはそれほど攻撃性を感じないものの、歌詞には強いメッセージが込められているのが感じられた。以前にテレビでPete Seegerの反戦歌Where Have all the flo...
Comparing Sherlock Holmes with a real wizard in literature must be the interesting attempt, because their similar attributes clarify the wizardly aspect of Holmes. I would like to pick up Merlin, a famous wizard in Arthurian legend, who seems to be a suitable ...
In this chapter we will look at how the English writer JG Ballard wrote about Shanghai in his autobiography novel-Empire of the Sun. Ballard was born and grew up to sixteen in Shanghai during the Second War. This is an account of JG Ballard's childhood in Shan...
"The English Common Reader" の第四章The Social Background(社会的背景)の冒頭部には次のように書かれている。(19世紀イギリスでは、大きな社会変化を背景に、大衆の人々の読書が広まっていった。)"The mass reading publiic developed in nineteenth-century England again...