序 政治思想史へのアプローチ (1)「政治思想史」History of Political Theory Political Theory とは何か Political Science(経験的科学を指向) との違い規範の学としての政治哲学二つの大きな問いかけ 「権力はいかにして正統なものたりうるか」(正統性論) 「権力はいかに組織...
I intend to describe two qualities and traits about what needs to become a politician in Japan and to succeed in fulfilling his or her job. First point is the characteristics to interest a person. To get these, I think that activity power and expression pow...
I chose this statement. “The modern nation-state is linked to two primary concepts: sovereignty and nationalism. Find examples of each in operation in international politics today and explain how each provides a cornerstone for contemporary international poli...