テーマ:教科書『ベーシック 新しい英語学概論』において言及されている「英訳聖書」に関しての理解を更に深めるべく、New Revised Standard Version(1989年)とContemporary English Version(1995年)の「新約聖書 マタイ伝(Matthew)」を比較し、「①単語・フレーズの差異」「②文法...
For the 7th Annual REASON Fall Forum, Chip Berlet talked about “church and state in the new millennium.” He emphasized some key words throughout the lecture: dualism (meaning things have two oppositional aspects, such as good and evil), apocalyticism (meanin...
Introduction In April, 2005, Pope John Paul II died after suffering from serious diseases. I was staying in Australia during that time. My host family is Italian-Australian and they are devout Christians. They all wept at the death of the Pope. Most Christians...