Effects of the American Revolution
Ever since the Europeans settled in the new land of America, colonials had created the unique characteristics in each area. They s
550 販売中 2006/07/05
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The Evil Characteristics of Claudius
Claudius is a king of Denmark when the play “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” starts, He is an uncle of Hamlet, and Hamle
550 販売中 2006/05/23
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The Reform of the United Nations
The United Nations (UN) is the largest and the most reliable worldwide international organization. It has many kinds of departmen
550 販売中 2006/01/22
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The Projects for the Future
During World War II, numbers of people have lost their lives not only in the actual fighting taken place all over the world, but a
550 販売中 2006/05/06
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Choosing the Suitable Education
Higher education provides people with a good and deep quality of sophistication and makes people have broad minds. Getting educat
550 販売中 2006/01/21
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Steps of Discontentment in the Colonies
Americans had lived pretty much free of most British constraints and enjoyed their support and protection. They were not taxed for
550 販売中 2006/07/05
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Being Loyal Is Being Disloyal
The play “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark,” written by William Shakespeare, contains various kinds of themes. The theme o
550 販売中 2006/05/06
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Theater Experience
Theater Experience The musical play "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" showed similarities and differences from public speaking i
330 販売中 2023/05/13
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