一回で合格しました。 講評欄には A very interesting and well written essay. Your main points are well developed and your perspective is interesting. Your essay is well organized with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Well done!!! と高い評価をいただき...
A mobile phone has become something of a necessity, and almost of all Japanese young people can’t do without one. Of course, you would also have one.Exactly a mobile phone is very convenient. You can get a lot of information by using internet without computer...
April 25, a train of HUKUCHIYAMA line derailed. This accident happened in the morning and people who were going to school or company were killed or injured. The number of dead people reached 107 and more people were injured. It became a large disaster in the h...
?.次の文中の直接話法を間接話法に書きかえなさい。伝達動詞には下線を引きなさい。(直接話法による原文は割愛致しました。) 解答 A Japanese woman explained that in Japan firms usually make woman promise to leave their jobs when they get married, and that sometimes ...
第1設題 Ⅰ.次の文中の直接話法を間接話法に書きかえなさい。伝達動詞には下線をひきなさい。 A Japanese woman explained:“In Japan, firms usually make women promise to leave their jobs when they get married. Sometimes the firms demand this in writing.” One day,...
日大通信「英作文Ⅱ」の合格レポートです。 [平成27-28年度課題] 日本人にとって英語は必要か 先生からは「Generally, an interesting and well written essay. Your essay is well organized. Your main points support your thesis and are well developed. Well done!!」との...
Ⅰ.次の日本文を与えられた英単語を文頭に用いて英文に直しなさい。 1)あなたが勇気ある行動を取ったお陰で他の人もそれに続いた。(Your~) Your courageous action made other people follow it. 2)Eメールの普及により、手紙を書くことはあまり一般的でなくなってきて...