Comparing the novel of “The Beach” and the movie of “The Beach” There are many differences between the movie of “The Beach” and the novel of “The Beach”. I think the message of this story didn’t changed from the book, but there are lots of big ch...
Comparing Sherlock Holmes with a real wizard in literature must be the interesting attempt, because their similar attributes clarify the wizardly aspect of Holmes. I would like to pick up Merlin, a famous wizard in Arthurian legend, who seems to be a suitable ...
How is American culture reflected in THE WIZARD OF OZ? “THE WIZARD OF OZ” has many scenes reflected the culture of U.S.A. Especially the scene where I thought that the culture of U.S.A is reflected is most the theme of this movie and last lines “There’...
Chapter? Bangkok – A young backpacker Richard arrived to Bangkok. In the guesthouse, he heard man talking about “The Beach”. Then he found the map pinned to the door. He tried to ask man but, when Richard found him, he was already dead. After Richard l...
In the Chapter?, we defined what ‘Britpop’ phenomenon was to think about its birth from internal and external factors. The economic policy of the Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and the rise of ‘rave culture’ were internal factors. It was external factor ...