Hello, users,Thank you for your using Happycampus(R).
Soon our site would be renewed.
In this renewal several new features are added:
First of all, our search quality is enhanced.
We know till now that our search quality has been so poor that our users sometimes couldn't search their own documents uploaded. To fix this problem we spent hard time with many engineers of DiQuest that we believe has ability to put right answers in right order on the search result page.
Second, we're ready to receive photos from you.
So far only documents are allowed for you to upload. As you know we don't usually have so many documents to upload and organize. But when it comes to photos, we have a lot to upload and organize. Happycampus(R) would be more useful service for your photos.
Upload procedure was upgraded.
It is now possible to upload more than hundreds or thousands of files at once. There's no limit to how many files you can upload but your computer capacity or your account space.
Organization tool would be released.
A flash web application simply called 'Tool' is added to the current page-based service. The word 'application' means you don't have to move from page to page to arrange your documents or photos. Staying within the 'Tool' you are able to arrange your documents using drag & drop, double click, etc. just like using a desktop application. And it will help you arrange and organize your items easier than page-based service.
Preview window becomes wider.
Yes, it was hard to read documents in a small preview window without clicking the [Enlarge] button every time. Very sorry for this. We enlarged the preview window size enough for you to read documents without clicking the [Enlarge] button. And the [Enlarge] button will lead you to full screen view.
Some of user interface was enhanced.
We added thumbnail view on the listing pages to help you see more items at a glance. And we attached several necessary functions to buddy icon. Put your mouse cursor on a buddy icon then you will see the functions such as 'add him/her as your friend' or 'send message'. Quite easy to communicate with other users.
There are a few more features added or enhanced than quoted above. But you yourself can find it easily when our site is renewed.
I hope you to enjoy our new Happycampus(R).
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,