
  • Wavelength Lab
  • In this experiment, I don’t think there is not so much error. The reason for this is because we can only make an error in the measurement. The room temperature, humidity may cause some changes but I think in this experiment, we don’t have much effect by thes...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/30
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  • Newton`s Second Law
  • Aim ; Determine the relationship between mass, force and acceleration. F = m*a (net force = mass times the acceleration) 2. First, we did the experiment that we change “Force”. We do not change the “Mass”. Only change the “Force”. We decided to ta...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/30
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  • Determine the identity of an unknown metal.
  • The unknown metal block is provided from the teacher. Determine the identity of an unknown metal (metal block), using 2 physical properties. Each kind of metal has different specific heat. So, if this metal block’s specific heat is calculated, by looking the ...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/30
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  • Determine the force of gravity
  • This experiment’s purpose is to determine the force of gravity using a simple pendulum. A simple pendulum consists of a heavy weight called the bob, supported from a fixed point about which the bob is free to swing by a string of insignificant mass. To calcul...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/30
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  • Transformation matrxi
  • Introduction. A linear transformation, T, of the plane which maps the point P (x, y) onto the point P’ (x’, y’) is defined by the equations... First, it’s easy to think about so make it the coordinate of OABC as same as Part 1’s b). Which is O = (0, ...
  • 2,200 販売中 2005/07/30
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  • Investin Sequence
  • From the question above, we can see that for n = 1, we will get 1 x 1! by the equation. And for n = 2, we have 2 x 2! and identically, we have 3 x 3!, when n = 3. There is a simple pattern. So, we can understand that the n x n! is the formula for the nth ter...
  • 1,320 販売中 2005/07/30
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  • “The Beach” Chapter Summary
  • Chapter? Bangkok – A young backpacker Richard arrived to Bangkok. In the guesthouse, he heard man talking about “The Beach”. Then he found the map pinned to the door. He tried to ask man but, when Richard found him, he was already dead. After Richard l...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/17
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  • 午後の曳航
  • 13歳の主人公は自分が天才であること、世界はいくつかの単純な記号と決定で出来上っていること、父親や教師は存在自体が害悪であることを知っている。彼の父が他界して5年が経つが、母親は今、息子が抽出の小さな穴から盗み見ているともしらず、とある二等航海士との情事にふけ...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/17
  • 閲覧(3,377) コメント(1)
