Elastic and Inelastic Collision


    • ページ数 : 8ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    I think momentum will conserve in both elastic and inelastic collisions. In last lab, we conserved that both carts’
    momentum came out to be almost the same. I think this time also will be conserved and it will be come out to be
    same. So, if make a graph, I think it will become direct proportion. I think kinetic energy will not conserve in both elastic or
    inelastic collisions because, I think some kinetic energy will emit.

    List of problems.

    1. Movement (slide) of additional weights on the cart.
    ・ We used cylinder shape weights for additional weights, so when the carts move, weights also moves
    a little, so maybe this caused some change in velocity.

    2. Swaying of cardboard.
    ・ We used piece of cardboard to make target bigger. It’s much harder than a paper but, it sway a little.
    Because of this swaying, Motion detector may could not read some data properly.

    3. Whey of we slide cart.
    ・ We make slide cart, it’s moved by a human hands so I think most error coming out from here.

    4. Motion Detector problem
    ・It’s tricky to make the Motion Detector to work perfect. So maybe somethings blocked wave.





    資料の原本内容 ( この資料を購入すると、テキストデータがみえます。 )

    -- Elastic & Inelastic Collision Lab. ---
    [ P H Y S I C S ]
    --- Elastic & Inelastic Collision Lab. -----
    Aim ;
    Are momentum and kinetic energy conserved in elastic and inelastic collisions?
    Momentum   = Mass × Δvelocity     .P = MV
    Kinetic Energy = 1/2 × Mass × (Δvelocity )    KE = 1/2 MV
    Materials ;
    ・LAB PRO (Vernier) ・Motion Detector x2 (Vernier) ・PAScar 250g x2 (PASCO) [Frictionless carts] Laptop Computer (Logger Pro have to be installed).
    Smooth plane (We used aluminum track).
    ・Sets of addi...


