Momentum Lab


    • ページ数 : 8ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    Aim ;
    What is the relationship between momentum of 2 carts in an explosion?
    Momentum = Mass × ΔVelocity

    List of problems.

    1. Movement (slide) of additional weights on the cart.
    ・ We used cylinder shape weights for additional weights, so when the carts move, weights also moves
    a little, so maybe this caused some change in velocity.

    2. Swaying of cardboard.
    ・ We used piece of cardboard to make target bigger. It’s much harder than a paper but, it sway a little.
    Because of this swaying, Motion detector may could not read some data properly.

    3. Whey of we press the button.
    ・ We pressed button using pens, it’s human hands so I think most error coming out from here.

    4. Motion Detector problem
    ・It’s tricky to make the Motion Detector to work perfect. So maybe somethings blocked wave.

    Therefore, we will attention to these points more next time.


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    --- Momentum Lab. -----
    [ P H Y S I C S ]
    --- Momentum Lab. -----
    Aim ;
    What is the relationship between momentum of 2 carts in an explosion?
    Momentum = Mass × ΔVelocity
    Materials ;
    ・TI-83 Calculator Graphic Calculator (Texas Instruments) ・LAB PRO (Vernier) ・Motion Detector (Vernier) ・PAScar 250g x2 (PASCO) [It’s a frictionless carts] Laptop Computer (Logger Pro have to be installed).
    Smooth plane (We used aluminum track).
    ・Sets of additional weights.
    Hypothesis ;
    I think both 2 carts’ momentum...


