Population Growth


    • ページ数 : 6ページ
    • 会員660円 | 非会員792円


    First, the graph of the population versus time is about direct proportional. However, if we see the changes (difference between years), we can see the some differences. First, between 1801 and 1811, there is least population increase in the chart. Between 1811 through 1821, we can see the increase of the population difference about 560,000. Next interval, we can see the first drop, but it is not so significant change. Next 10 year also not so much significant change in a population difference, however in between 1861 and 1871, population difference increased about 500,000. And the next interval has a great increase of about 600,000 in between 1871 and 1881. In between 1881 and 1891, the population difference drops about 200,000. But, its jump back 500,000 in a next 10-year interval. It doesn’t change in a next 10 year however, it fall nearly 2,000,000 between 1911 and 1921. This is because of the result of the First World War. Most adult man left country to fight the war, thus, I think the child born rate decreased. And at last, huge jump is occurring between 1931 and 1951. They had a Second World War in 1941, however, after the Second World War, the world had a baby boom. So, we can see the large increase in the population between 1931 and 1951.

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    Population Growth
    Given below is the population data for England and Wales between 1801 and 1951. No census was taken in 1941 because of the Second World War. (a) Using your graphic display calculator make a plot of population against time.
    Year Population Population increase 1801 8,892,536 --- 1811 10,164,256 1,271,720 1821 12,000,236 1,835,980 1831 13,896,797 1,896,561 1841 15,914,148 2,017,351 1851 17,927,609 2,013,461 1861 20,066,224 2,138,615 1871 22,712,266 2,646,042 1881 25,974,439 3,262,...


