The Evil Characteristics of Claudius


    • ページ数 : 3ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    Claudius is a king of Denmark when the play “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” starts, He is an uncle of Hamlet, and Hamlet thinks of Claudius as an evil king who has murdered King Hamlet. I think Claudius is entirely evil and is a bad king because he is dishonest, greedy, and irresponsible.
    First, Claudius pretends to be a good king and insists on his innocence until the end of his life. He has killed King Hamlet and has taken the crown and the wife, He expresses his sympathy to King Hamlet’s death while he recognizes how bad of Polonius that people have two-sided faces, “O, ’tis too true!/ how smart a lash that speech doth give my conscience!” (1176). However, he continues to have a two-sided face until the end. Gertrude dies of drinking the poisoned wine in the scene of fencing match, but he protects himself and says, “She swounds to see them bleed” (1232). His actions have caused many people to be killed, yet he defends himself throughout the play.
    Second, Claudius does not want to give up what he has.


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    The Evil Characteristics of Claudius
    Claudius is a king of Denmark when the play "The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark" starts, He is an uncle of Hamlet, and Hamlet thinks of Claudius as an evil king who has murdered King Hamlet. I think Claudius is entirely evil and is a bad king because he is dishonest, greedy, and irresponsible.
    First, Claudius pretends to be a good king and insists on his innocence until the end of his life. He has killed King Hamlet and has taken the crown and the wife,...


    miki0107 購入
    2006/12/20 3:32 (17年9ヶ月前)

