Patch Adams


    • ページ数 : 2ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


     Patch Adams is a film about a doctor called “Patch”. He is a doctor who suggests a new way of medical treatment though laughter. This is a true story about his life, his friends, and his social circumstances. I think it is worth watching because it contains a lot of social comments.
     Hunter "Patch" Adams is a suicidal mental patient in the beginning of the film. In the hospital he recognizes happiness to help people. Soon Patch leaves this hospital, and begins a new life with a new goal. His objective is to become a doctor and help people. He enters medical school and studies medicine. He often goes to the hospital to study the real aspect of medicine, although the rule restricts medical practice before third year.

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    Patch Adams
    Patch Adams is a film about a doctor called "Patch". He is a doctor who suggests a new way of medical treatment though laughter. This is a true story about his life, his friends, and his social circumstances. I think it is worth watching because it contains a lot of social comments.
    Hunter "Patch" Adams is a suicidal mental patient in the beginning of the film. In the hospital he recognizes happiness to help people. Soon Patch leaves this hospital, and begins a new life with a new go...


