Body Contacts


    • ページ数 : 2ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    In our life, people often have body contacts with someone in several styles. When people go through the crowded streets, or ride crowded elevators, they tend to touch with their bodies unconsciously. Another case is, when two parsons meet, they exchange greetings and sometimes shake hands with each other. What I’d like to mention is that there are some differences between Japanese and American people about their body contacts.

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    Body Contacts
    In our life, people often have body contacts with someone in several styles. When people go through the crowded streets, or ride crowded elevators, they tend to touch with their bodies unconsciously. Another case is, when two parsons meet, they exchange greetings and sometimes shake hands with each other. What I'd like to mention is that there are some differences between Japanese and American people about their body contacts.
    It's mentioned that Japanese people tend not to mind ha...


