

    • ページ数 : 4ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    How is American culture reflected in THE WIZARD OF OZ?
    “THE WIZARD OF OZ” has many scenes reflected the culture of U.S.A.
    Especially the scene where I thought that the culture of U.S.A is reflected is most the theme of this movie and last lines “There’s no place like home” of Dorothy.
    It is just 1939 when World War II began that this movie was made. Including Germany, the European countries became the war mood at 1939. But American made the movie, the color movie and lively musical movie! I feel big margins there. This “home” appears U.S.A. to me. And I think that American loves their country because their country has big margins.
    From such a thing, we can understand a culture of U.S.A. that loves their country.
    And we can understand a culture of U.S.A. from a theme song; “Over the rainbow.”
    Referentially I try to pick up a text.
    “Somewhere, over the rainbow way up high
    There’s a land that I heard of once in lullaby
    Somewhere, over the rainbow skies are blue
    And the dreams that you dare to dream
    Really do come true

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    How is American culture reflected in THE WIZARD OF OZ?
    "THE WIZARD OF OZ" has many scenes reflected the culture of U.S.A.
    Especially the scene where I thought that the culture of U.S.A is reflected is most the theme of this movie and last lines "There's no place like home" of Dorothy.
    It is just 1939 when World War II began that this movie was made. Including Germany, the European countries became the war mood at 1939. But American made the movie, the color movie and lively musical movie! I feel...


    susull1212 購入
    2006/07/20 6:48 (18年3ヶ月前)

