Comparison between the hotel industry in Yufuin and Beppu


    • ページ数 : 9ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    July 6, 2005
    1985 words
    Japanese OS
    Comparison between the hotel industry in Yufuin and Beppu
    ―――the difference of product and price strategies
    The marketing of hotel industry is “many men, many minds”. There are some services for business such as staying only while there are some services with added values for tourists. There are various types by each place; for example, hotels supply with comfort or rest in sightseeing places. Nowadays, according to a survey conducted by the Oita Prefectural government in 2002, more than 50 million people visit to Oita in a year, and about 8 million people use hotels as visitors. Above all, Beppu and Yufuin are two of the most attractive sightseeing places in Oita. About 10 million people visit Beppu as tourists in a year and 4 million people of them use hotels; on the other hand, about 4 million people visit to Yufuin in a year and one million of them use hotels in spite of the small town having the population of only 11 thousand. Although there are many hotels having spa resorts or hot springs in Beppu and Yufuin and both areas' hotels make the most of their resources in order to attract many visitors. There are some differences between Yufuin's hotels and Beppu's from the point of the type of tourists or visitors; for example, group tourists from Japan or the Asian visit Beppu's hotels; on the other hand, personal tourists such as families or couples from Japan visit Yufuin's hotels.
    As for each hotel, different marketing s

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    July 6, 2005
    1985 words
    Japanese OS
    Comparison between the hotel industry in Yufuin and Beppu
    ―――the difference of product and price strategies
    The marketing of hotel industry is “many men, many minds”. There are some services for business such as staying only while there are some services with added values for tourists. There are various types by each place; for example, hotels supply with comfort or rest in sightseeing places. Nowadays, according to a survey conducted by the Oita ...


