Effects of the American Revolution


    • ページ数 : 5ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    Ever since the Europeans settled in the new land of America, colonials had created the unique characteristics in each area. They started to question how the Colonial America should be. For Britain, colonies only existed to serve for the mother country. Colonies were always considered as second class people even though they were said to be the same British people. When the American Revolution broke out, so many things had changed. There were so many effects that the American Revolution gave both domestically and internationally, such as ideological change, economic change, and social change.
    The first component of effects of the American Revolution was ideological change. During the era of the American Revolution, the idea of republicanism was introduced in America. Wikipedia states that republicanism is governing a nation as “a state in which sovereignty is invested in the people, rather than in heredity elite.” “Common Sense,” written by Thomas Paine helped to spread this idealism throughout the colonies. Paine argued that government should be for the people and by the people and that government tyranny must be opposed and overthrown.

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    Ever since the Europeans settled in the new land of America, colonials had created the unique characteristics in each area. They started to question how the Colonial America should be. For Britain, colonies only existed to serve for the mother country. Colonies were always considered as second class people even though they were said to be the same British people. When the American Revolution broke out, so many things had changed. There were so many effects that the American Revolution gave both ...


