Bottle Bill in Oregon State


    • ページ数 : 9ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    There are too many paper napkins in America. There are paper
    napkins and plastic knifes and plastic forks and plastic spoons in PSU. I can
    use them anytime. When I came PSU’s cafeteria I was surprised by that. For
    this project I chose to research recycling in Oregon because I became
    interested in environment when I was elementary school student. I have
    heard in Japan “American people don’t have an interest about environment.”
    When I heard this, I was surprised very much. I thought, ‘Don’t they do
    recycling?’ I never have heard about American recycling. I have heard about
    amount of fast food store’s garbage rather than recycling.
    Oregon has a lot of nature. Oregon is first state begin Bottle Bill all
    over the world. But garbage isn’t always separated when it is gathered.
    Much garbage comes out by fast food stores. They have paper cups, papers,
    straws, table napkins, the remains of food, etc. Recently my country Japan
    has many fast food stores. But I think I have more opportunities here in the
    U.S. to use paper stuffs than I was in Japan. One example is table napkins. I
    used cloth napkin in Japan at home, but now I am using lots of paper napkin
    in host family’s house. I don’t know why American people use paper napkin.
    Perhaps it’s custom in America. Perhaps it’s easy for busy American.
    Environment is very interesting topic for me. I was interested about
    environment from before I came here because if we used all resources all over
    the world we can’t live. But someday all resources will be nothing. So I want


    論文EnglishBottle Billrecycling



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    Recycling in Oregon  
    Winter 3/22/2006
    There are too many paper napkins in America. There are paper
    napkins and plastic knifes and plastic forks and plastic spoons in PSU. I can
    use them anytime. When I came PSU's cafeteria I was surprised by that. For
    this project I chose to research recycling in Oregon because I became
    interested in environment when I was elementary school student. I have
    heard in Japan "American people don't have an interest about environment."
    When ...


