英語ⅢMB 報告課題Ⅰ 合格 日本大学通信 メディア


    • ページ数 : 2ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    (1) Niggle went, quite quietly. The Driver gave him no time to pack, saying that he
    ought to have done that before, and they would miss the train; so all Niggle could do
    was to grab a little bag in the hall. He found that it contained only a paint-box and a
    small book of his own sketches: neither food nor clothes. They caught the train all right.
    Niggle was feeling very tired and sleepy; he was hardly aware of what was going on
    when they bundled him into his compartment. He did not care much: he had forgotten
    where he was supposed to be going, or what he was going for. The train ran almost at
    once into a dark tunnel.
    (2) There were many things that he had not the face to say no to, whether he thought
    them duties or not; and there were some things he was compelled to do, whatever he
    thought. Some of his visitors hinted that this garden was rather neglected, and: that he
    might get a visit from an Inspector. Very few of them knew about his picture, of course;
    but if they had known, it would not have made much difference. I doubt if they would
    have thought that it mattered much. I dare say it was not really a very good picture,
    though it may have had some good passages. The Tree, at any rate, was curious. Quite
    unique in its way. So was Niggle; though he was also a very ordinary and rather silly
    little man.


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    英語ⅢMB 報告課題Ⅰ
    (1) Niggle went, quite quietly. The Driver gave him no time to pack, saying that he
    ought to have done that before, and they would miss the train; so all Niggle could do
    was to grab a little bag in the hall. He found that it contained only a paint-box and a
    small book of his own sketches: neither food nor clothes. They caught the train all right.
    Niggle was feeling very tired and sleepy; he was hardly aware of what was going on
    when they bundled him into his compartment....


    trek 販売
    2011/11/06 17:41 (13年3ヶ月前)

