The negative influences of television


    • ページ数 : 3ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    Television has positive influences; however, I think its negative influences are more serious for people. It influences not only their health but also their way of thinking.
    Since people got own television, their life-styles have been changed considerably. And the change of life-styles has leaded the change of their health on many points. First, Children keep sitting in front of television for a long time, so they have bad eyesight. According to the Ministry of Education, The number of children who have bad eyesight was changeless until 1973, but the increase started from 1974 with the spread of television. Next is the ratio of Children who have less than 1.0 vision in 2003. According to the Ministry of Education, that ratio is 27.2% in the kindergarten, 25.4% in the elementary school, 48.2% in the junior high school, and 60.3% in the high school. Second, Children have fewer chances to play outside now. It influences their growth. In fact, children’s motor skill has declined for these 30 years. A research says stature and weight have expanded from 1975 to 1995 by 15% but; the grip declines by 15%, diagonal chinning exercises decline by 10%, a softball throw declines by 7%, and flexibility is 20%, back muscle strength is 15%. Third, People who have food with watching television don’t concentrate on eating. So, they don’t chew food and tend to have bad posture.


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    The negative influences of television
    Television has positive influences; however, I think its negative influences are more serious for people. It influences not only their health but also their way of thinking.
    Since people got own television, their life-styles have been changed considerably. And the change of life-styles has leaded the change of their health on many points. First, Children keep sitting in front of television for a long time, so they have bad eyesight. According to the Min...


