The Cause of Global Warming


    • ページ数 : 21ページ
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    What causes global warming? You do,silly!
    Kevin Cummins
    Sierra Club Volunteer
    Increases in carbon dioxide cause the earth to get warmer
    Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) (plus other gases like methane) in the atmosphere absorb heat radiating from the earth.
    This trapped heat increases the evaporation of water from the oceans into the air to cause a greater increase in warming of the atmosphere. CO2 has a forcing effect on climate.
    The combined effect of water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane controls the temperature of the earth.
    Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere plays a key role in making our planet liveable.
    It allows sun light to pass through the atmosphere and warm the earth.
    It also traps or absorbs some of the heat which radiates from the earth back into space.
    The warming effect caused by carbon dioxide absorbing the radiant heat from the earth causes water vapor to evaporate from the earth. The water vapor in the atmosphere absorbs even more radiant heat than the carbon dioxide which helps make our planet liveable.
    This thin layer of atmosphere thus acts as a “blanket” to make the planet earth liveable
    Source: OSTP
    The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming
    Greenhouse Analogy: Anyone who has visited a greenhouse for growing plants or sat in a parked car with the windows closed on a warm summer day has experienced the principle behind global warming. The sunlight goes through the glass and the heat is trapped inside.
    The gases in the atmosphere surroundi



    What causes global warming? You do,silly!
    Kevin Cummins
    Sierra Club Volunteer
    Increases in carbon dioxide cause the earth to get warmer
    Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) (plus other gases like methane) in the atmosphere absorb heat radiating from the earth.
    This trapped heat increases the evaporation of water from the oceans into the air to cause a greater increase in warming of the atmosphere. CO2 has a forcing effect on climate.
    The combined effect of water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane controls the temperature of the earth.
    Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere plays a key role in making our planet liveable.
    It allows sun light to pass through the atmosphere and warm the earth.
    It also traps or absorbs some of the heat which radiates from the earth back into space.
    The warming effect caused by carbon dioxide absorbing the radiant heat from the earth causes water vapor to evaporate from the earth. The water vapor in the atmosphere absorbs even more radiant heat than the carbon dioxide which helps make our planet liveable.
    This thin layer of atmosphere thus acts as a “blanket” to make the planet earth liveable
    Source: OSTP
    The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming
    Greenhouse Analogy: Anyone who has visited a greenhouse for growing plants or sat in a parked car with the windows closed on a warm summer day has experienced the principle behind global warming. The sunlight goes through the glass and the heat is trapped inside.
    The gases in the atmosphere surrounding the earth act much the same way. Incoming solar radiation passes through the atmosphere to the earth’s surface, but most of the outgoing radiation emitted from the surface of the Earth is absorbed by the greenhouse gas molecules in the atmosphere and reradiated back towards the earth. In other words, the greenhouse gases trap heat as it is reradiated from the earth back to space. The effect of this is to warm the earth's surface.
    Water vapor and carbon dioxide are the 2 most abundant natural greenhouse gases.
    This natural greenhouse effect keeps the earth about 60°F warmer than it otherwise would be. Without the greenhouse effect, life as we know it would not be possible.
    Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are increasing
    Carbon dioxide is produced from burning wood, coal, gas, etc.
    The amount in the atmosphere has risen from 280 ppm (100+ years ago) to 370 ppm today.
    This increase in carbon dioxide is the atmosphere is increasing the heat being absorbed from the earth.
    CO2,CH4 and estimated global temperature (Antarctic ΔT/2
    in ice core era)
    0 = 1880-1899 mean.
    Source: Hansen, Clim. Change, 68, 269, 2005.
    Today’s atmosphere blanket is too thick!
    The increase in CO2 in the atmosphere traps more heat and causes more water vapor to evaporate into the atmosphere.
    Our new blanket around the world is simply making the earth too warm!
    We need a thinner blanket for our earth!
    What can happen if we don’t produce less CO2 ?
    Temperatures will get warmer.
    Glaciers will melt, ice sheets in Artic will melt (Polar Bears hunt on ice sheets)
    Sea levels will rise. Utah will be on Pacific Coast…. NOT!
    More droughts in dry areas and more rain and snow in wet areas.
    More violent weather around the world.
    If nothing is done to slow greenhouse gas emissions. . .
    CO2 concentrations will likely be more than 700 ppm by 2100
    Global average temperatures projected to increase between 2.5 - 10.4°F
    Source: OSTP
    CO2 Concentration and Temperature Change - Next 100 Years
    Second, if the world proceeds on what's called a "business-as-usual" path; in other words, nothing is done to slow greenhouse gas emissions and they continue to grow at their present rate of about 1% per year, atmospheric CO2 concentrations will likely be more than 700 ppm by the year 2100, and they will still be rising.
    This is nearly double the current level and much more than double the pre-industrial level of 280 ppm.
    State-of-the-art global climate models, computer models used by scientists to stud...


