Death Penalty


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    Many people have discussed whether the government should adopt the death penalty or not. I am in favor of the death penalty because although historically, some innocent people have been executed in error, it is the only way to give support to the bereaved, and it is also necessary to restrain evil murder or evil crimes.

    In more and more cosmopolitan cities, evil crimes such as manslaughter, terrorism, robbery and sex crimes happen. Some cases are difficult to solve and find the criminals. The police will manage to find suspects but sometimes they apprehend innocent people. If the court judged an innocent person should be executed by the death penalty that person would be killed under false accusations. To stop such a tragedy from happening, some countries such as New Zealand, the EU and some states of the USA have already abolished the death penalty, not only to help innocent suspects and mental patients who cannot understand what they did, but also to help the executioners. Almost all people who have common sense and morals do not want to kill somebody even if it is necessary. For example, a man who dropped the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima went insane because he deeply regretted what he had done. To avoid feeling regret, in Japan, there are many people and buttons to push one real ‘death’ button.
    In addition, people who disagree with the death penalty may also disagree with the notion of revenge.

    Even though I have considered all these things, I still agree with the death penalty. The first reason is that the survivors can only find peace with execution. No one has the right to say to them ‘Be tolerant.


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    Death Penalty
    June 19
    Many people have discussed whether the government should adopt the death penalty or not. I am in favor of the death penalty because although historically, some innocent people have been executed in error, it is the only way to give support to the bereaved, and it is also necessary to restrain evil murder or evil crimes.
    In more and more cosmopolitan cities, evil crimes such as manslaughter, terrorism, robbery and sex crimes happen. Some cases are difficult to solve and find...


    wearemonu 購入
    2005/12/09 13:47 (19年3ヶ月前)

