Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?


    • ページ数 : 1ページ
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    When Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, Hitler slowly began the rearmament of Germany. The Treaty of Versailles restricted German army and also, the treaty demanded Germany to pay lots of reparations. Not only a Hitler, many German thought that the treaty was unjust and it was too harsh. One of promise that Hitler made was that if he became a leader of Germany, he would reverse the treaty. Hitler wanted to make Germany strong again. The treaty restricted German army and took so much territories. Hitler wanted to get those territories back, especially the important industrial areas. And he wanted Germany to unite with Austria. Because of the treaty of St. German, Austria was forbidden ever to unite with Germany.
    In the 1930s there were two incidents that really tested the League of Nations were Manchurian crisis and Abyssinian crisis. In Manchurian crisis, Japan invaded Manchurian but League didn’t take any action. In Abyssinian crisis, Italy invaded Abyssinia but like as Manchurian crisis, League didn’t give a sanction against Italy. As a result from these 2 events, Hitler realized that the League is powerless and irrelevant.
    In 1936 Hitler began his policy of reclaiming lost German territory. Britain signed agreement with Germany and for the next three years, Britain followed a policy and gave Hitler what he wanted. This policy became known as appeasement. The Appeasement allowed Germany to be in a position of strength.

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    Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?
    When Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, Hitler slowly began the rearmament of Germany. The Treaty of Versailles restricted German army and also, the treaty demanded Germany to pay lots of reparations. Not only a Hitler, many German thought that the treaty was unjust and it was too harsh. One of promise that Hitler made was that if he became a leader of Germany, he would reverse the treaty. Hitler wanted to make Germany strong again. The treaty...


