Living in a Period of Changes


    • ページ数 : 4ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    For the 7th Annual REASON Fall Forum, Chip Berlet talked about “church and state in the new millennium.” He emphasized some key words throughout the lecture: dualism (meaning things have two oppositional aspects, such as good and evil), apocalyticism (meaning truths given by a God to a certain person are hidden), demonization (meaning evils are used to justify actions), and conspiracism (meaning telling of story of a culture). Using those key terms, the first thing the speaker wanted to emphasize was that religions and politics have influences each other. Another thing he wanted to mention about was that the true form of democracy is threatened by religions. I realized that people living in this world today are in great transitions of religions and politics from the speaker’s two main points.

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    Living in a Period of Changes
    For the 7th Annual REASON Fall Forum, Chip Berlet talked about "church and state in the new millennium." He emphasized some key words throughout the lecture: dualism (meaning things have two oppositional aspects, such as good and evil), apocalyticism (meaning truths given by a God to a certain person are hidden), demonization (meaning evils are used to justify actions), and conspiracism (meaning telling of story of a culture). Using those key terms, the first thing ...


