Effects of Music in A Streetcar Named Desire


    • ページ数 : 3ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    Music plays an important role in A Streetcar named Desire because it appears in almost every scene and expresses the atmosphere in a very distinct way. It is permeated by the different type of music: the blue piano and the Varsouviana Polka. Each one appears in scenes which are occupied by a certain emotional state of Blanche. Therefore, music helps us to understand the mental condition of Blanche and the mood of this play, which cannot be depicted by lines and actions.

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    Effects of Music in A Streetcar Named Desire
    Music plays an important role in A Streetcar named Desire because it appears in almost every scene and expresses the atmosphere in a very distinct way. It is permeated by the different type of music: the blue piano and the Varsouviana Polka. Each one appears in scenes which are occupied by a certain emotional state of Blanche. Therefore, music helps us to understand the mental condition of Blanche and the mood of this play, which cannot be depicted by...


