

    • ページ数 : 7ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    1.Political Trend in 80s
    Politic changes through 1980s
    ・The collapse of communist countries
    ・The end of bipolar world
    →Studies of the relationship between environment and democracy

    lost decade (1980s) for the developing countries
    Africa(UNHCR, 2000), the Caribbean, Latin America, South and west Asia
    * terms of trade:
    the ratio of an index of a country’s export prices to an index of its import prices

    Environmental problems in developing countries
    Increasing population and the concentration in the city
    Air and water pollution
    Deforestation, desertification
    Want of physical infrastructure

    The cycle of poverty

    2.New issues and new accidents in the 1980s
    1984 ・About 1 million people death by starvation in Ethiopia.
    1985 ・The ozone depletion were firstly reproted.
    ・Accidental gas spillage in Bhopal,India.
    1986 ・Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded.
    1989 ・Oil spillage from the Exxon Valdez supertanker.

    ・Accidental gas spillage in Bhopal,India.
    Date:1984/12/2 late at night
    Place of the accident: Union Carbide* chemical plant in Bhopal
    (* The U.S. multinational company)
    Main contents of the gas: Methyl Isocyanate** (CH3NCO)
    (** Basic ingredient of agrichemical)
    Dead: est.8,000 ( in two day’s time)
    We can’t get exact number of victims. Why?
    Most victims were Poor people. → No registeration(戸籍).
    Whole family were dead. → No one could prove their death.
    Government of India minimized number of death. → To reduce compensation.

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    Global Environmental Laws & Policies
    1.Political Trend in 80s
    Politic changes through 1980s
    ・The collapse of communist countries
    ・The end of bipolar world
    →Studies of the relationship between environment and democracy
    lost decade (1980s) for the developing countries
    Africa(UNHCR, 2000), the Caribbean, Latin America, South and west Asia
    * terms of trade:
    the ratio of an index of a country's export prices to an index of its import prices
    Environmental problems in developing countri...


